The Financial Capital of Canada has been established to Crown the Nation with Invincibility by raising national consciousness to a high level of integration—so that positivity permeates life everywhere in the nation, and no one in our dear Canada has to face problems and failures.
The whole approach is to raise the nation to invincibility—affluence, peace, prosperity and progress—by having 600 people maintaining an integrated state of National Consciousness on a permanent basis through their daily program of Transcendental Meditation and its Advanced Techniques, including Yogic Flying.
It is a very specialized knowledge to gain higher states of consciousness on the individual level. Many individuals practising together amplify the effect manyfold, creating a shield of protection for the nation (like the Meissner Effect in physics), which does not allow any negativity to arise from inside or outside the nation.
In Canada, 3000 are practising the program separately at home. They only have to come together and the program for Canada to rise to Invincibility is complete.
Here is how you can participate
Financial Capital of Canada to Crown the Nation with Invincibility:
If you are a Sidha form a group or join a group to practise Yogic Flying together morning and evening with other Sidhas
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It will be fortunate for all the Yogic Flyers in the country to come out and demonstrate the strength of their achievement. What they can achieve is invincibility for the nation by flying together in several halls in different parts of their own cities. See Maharishi’s Invitation.
The Yogic Flyers of Canada, flying in groups, will be the Executive Members of the Financial Capital of Canada and will receive a special Certificate of Honour from the Maharishi University of World Peace, Switzerland, recognising their unique role and ability to raise the nation to Invincibility.
To locate other Yogic Flyers in your area, please contact the Maharishi Enlightenment Centre nearest you by going to the following link:
Learn Transcendental Meditation and its Advanced Techniques, including Yogic Flying in short courses of 1-2 weeks each.
You can begin to enjoy the personal benefits right from the start and soon you will be able to join the groups of Yogic Flyers of Canada to crown the nation with invincibility.
The Yogic Flyers of Canada, flying in groups, will be the Executive Members of the Financial Capital of Canada and will receive a special Certificate of Honour from the Maharishi University of World Peace, Switzerland, recognising their unique role and ability to raise the nation to Invincibility.
The Financial Capital of Canada will establish a new High School (and the Financial Capital of Canada can be invited to run existing high schools of at least 600 students). The students will continue with the present educational curriculum, which offers them parts of knowledge through the study of different disciplines; but they will also have one additional period a day in which they will develop their total brain functioning—they will access within their own awareness the unified field of all the laws of nature discovered by the physical sciences—they will gain knowledge of Total Natural Law and they will achieve the goal of their education—a successful life free from mistakes and suffering, while spontaneously creating an influence of positivity in national consciousness that will make the administration in the country prevention-oriented and problem-free.
Canada's wealthiest citizens are invited to support the establishment of a school of Invincibility. For more information about this school and its cost, please visit
Training and Employing a Permanent Group of 600 Yogic Flyers
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In order to permanently maintain an integrated state of national consciousness a group of 600 experts should be trained and employed on a permanent basis. Housing will have to be especially built for these experts, according to Sthapatya Veda, which provides the architectural mathematics to create Fortune-Creating homes with entrances on the East. The employment of these peace-creating experts (at the minimum salary rate of $1,000 during the first year of their training ) will have a cost of $600,000 per month for the total group of 600.
We are fortunate that the country has 40 billionaires and billionaire families, and therefore we don't feel we will ever fall short of funds.
The combined wealth of Canada's 40 billionaires is more than $90 billion. Therefore each one billion dollars of wealth has only to build residences for seven Yogic Flyers, which would cost approximately $500,000. In addition, the employment of these peace-creating experts will have a cost of only $600,000 per month, as stated above, for the total group of 600 Yogic Flyers.
For our country's billionaires, the level of investment required to finance such a community is small considering the resulting effect of safety and security for their own wealth and for the whole nation. Those who have the greatest fortune should feel that it is their solemn duty to crown their nations with invincibility.
- Considering the whole population of Canada, the program that we are putting forward to crown the nation with invincibility, has a cost of about 2 cents per Canadian per month, or 25 cents per person per year! Since our Government is responsible for the security and progress for the whole population, it would only be a matter of $600,000 per month for the Government. Our Government’s yearly budget is $220 billion. Thus the budget for invincibility is insignificant. This is because our approach to creating invincibility utilizes Total Natural Law, the UNIFIED FIELD, which is the most fundamental and powerful level of Nature's functioning, and has been brought to the world from the altar of all the physical sciences and from the ancient science of consciousness—the ancient Vedic Literature.
- We also resolve to become members of the European Financial Capital in Brussels and of the Global Financial Capital in New York. If our project is not honoured by the celebrated custodians of wealth in the nation, then we’ll borrow money from our friends abroad to crown the nation with invincibility; and we will engage ourselves in activities for earning money and returning this money. But it will not behave the dignity of the high level custodians of wealth in the country.
- We are determined to do it. Even if one percent of the population of our nation (320,000 Canadians) were able to donate $2 per month, or $24 per year, our nation would be crowned with invincibility and we could hold our head high in the family of nations.
Becoming a Founder, Custodian or Member of Invincibility for the nation—Canada
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- We have decided to celebrate two Founders of Invincibility who will offer to cover one quarter of the yearly cost of maintaining a Permanent Group of Yogic Flyers.
- We have decided to celebrate four Custodians of Invincibility who will offer to cover one eighth of the yearly cost of maintaining a Permanent Group of Yogic Flyers.
- We have decided to celebrate the Members of Invincibility who will be making a yearly contribution of $1000 or a $50,000 bond to fund the above mentioned projects.
Money-wise, our country is completely self-sufficient to raise the nation to invincibility.
The Financial Capital of Canada to Crown the Nation with Invincibility is a federally registered non-profit corporation established on September 8th, 2006. Contributions to the Financial Capital of Canada can be made directly to:
Royal Bank of Canada
1 Main St. North
Brampton, ON L6X 1M8
Account Name: Financial Capital of Canada
Account Number: 101 8126
Branch Transit No: 482
Please inform us of your level of participation and, with many thanks, we will contact you to make suitable arrangements to honour you for your participation in making the nation invincible.
For further information about becoming a Founder, Custodian and Member of the Financial Capital of Canada, please contact:
Financial Capital of Canada to Crown the Nation with Invincibility
157 Adelaide Street West, Suite 726
Toronto, Ontario M5H 4E7
Tel: 416-450-0619
The health, wealth, and wisdom—Invincibility—of the population of Canada also demands that every family lives in a home built according to Maharishi Vastu Architecture.
The chart depicts the negative effects of living in wrongly oriented and situated homes in reference to the cardinal points, North, South, East West and in reference to the nearby bodies of water, slopes, mountains, etc.
The Financial Capital of Canada will also organise for the population of Canada to enjoy a Prevention-Oriented Approach to Health offered by a Maharishi College of Vedic Medicine through Maharishi Health Spas and life supporting products, such as Maharishi Vedic Organic food and Maharishi Ayurveda products and Organic Clothing.
Our programs of Health and Reconstruction will also give us the financial self-sufficiency to create and maintain a permanent group of Yogic Flyers in Canada.
Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program—Collected Papers (over 5,000 pages)
This inspiration to Crown the Nation with Invincibility is on the ground of more than 600 scientific research studies on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques, including Yogic Flying, conducted over the last 35 years at over 250 independent universities and research institutions in 33 countries and recorded in seven volumes of scientific research of over 5,000 pages. This research has demonstrated profound benefits in all fields of life and all the channels through which we have been serving society in past years—health, education, defence, business and industry, criminal rehabilitation and crime reduction, and administration in the direction of world peace.
This is the past scientific record and in the present some countries are already enjoying the results of collective practice of Transcendental Meditation.
For further information about the scientific basis of our program for Invincibility, please visit